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Bank Valuation and Value-Based Management: Deposit and Loan Pricing, Performance Evaluation, and Risk Management (McGraw-Hill Finance & Investing)
by Jean Dermine
Binding: Gebundene Ausgabe
Author: Jean Dermine
Number of Pages: 449
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Results Bank Valuation and Value-Based Management: Deposit and Loan Pricing, Performance Evaluation, and Risk Management (McGraw-Hill Finance & Investing)
Bank Valuation and Value Based Management Deposit and praise for bank valuation and value based management second edition Professor Dermines book covers the full range of critical topics in banking todayvaluation pricing and risk management Analytical complete and relevant this book is a gem Bank Valuation and ValueBased Management Deposit and Bank Valuation and ValueBased Management Deposit and Loan Pricing Performance Evaluation and Risk Management McGrawHill Finance Investing English Edition eBook Jean Dermine KindleShop Bank Valuation ValueBased Management Deposit Loan Bank Valuation ValueBased Management Deposit Loan Pricing Performance Evaluation Risk Management Jean Dermine is Professor of Banking and Finance at INSEAD Bank Valuation and ValueBased Management Deposit and Bank Valuation ValueBased Management provides bankers bank regulators auditors and risk managers with foundational concepts and practical tools for effectively managing a bank Bank Valuation and Value Based Management Deposit and Bank Valuation and Value Based Management Deposit and Loan Pricing Performance Evaluation and Risk 2nd Edition by Jean Dermine Stay ahead with the worlds most comprehensive technology and business learning platform Bank Valuation and Value Based Management Deposit and Selection from Bank Valuation and Value Based Management Deposit and Loan Pricing Performance Evaluation and Risk 2nd Edition Book OReilly logo Safari Logo Bank valuation valuebased management deposit and loan Bank valuation valuebased management deposit and loan pricing performance evaluation and risk management Jean Dermine Bank Valuation ValueBased Management provides bankers bank regulators auditors and risk managers with foundational concepts and practical tools for effectively managing a bank An expert in Bank Valuation and Value Based Management Deposit and Details assetliability management and provides rigorous foundations to discuss the control of value creation and risk in banks This book covers important topics such as capital management methods resolution for nonperforming loans and investments and securitization and other structured products Bank Valuation and Value Based Management Deposit and praise for bank valuation and value based management second edition Professor Dermines book covers the full range of critical topics in banking todayvaluation pricing and risk management Analytical complete and relevant this book is a gem Bank Valuation and Value Based Management Deposit and Bank Valuation and ValueBased Management Deposit and Loan Pricing Performance Evaluation and Risk Management McGrawHill Finance Investing Jean Dermine 50 out of 5 stars 1